Daily site reports are compiled by each survey team and reports completed immediately after a survey is completed. Reports are identified by a title, a sequential Y (YCCCART) number and the relevant year e.g. Y1/2011. In addition the County Archaeologist allocates to every site report a Heritage Environment Record (HER) number and ensures all reports are held in the North Somerset archives.
St Andrew's Church, Congresbury - A Celebration of 800 YearsChris Short's book, celebrating 800 years since St Andrew's church was consecrated, was published on 7 March 2015 and very quickly sold out.There was only money available to print 250 copies. Chris's aim from the first was to make a version of the book available on a web site, so that those visiting or interested in the Church could download and view extracts.Click below to link to the relevant sections:IntroductionPart 1A Brief HistoryPart 2A Tour Around St Andrew’s ChurchPart 3The ChurchyardPart 4The Refrectory, Vicarage, Orchard & PaddockPart 5Sources
Congresbury Parish SurveyYCCCART is very grateful to Dick Broomhead for allowing it to publish his survey and to Vince Russett for making it possible and for his foreword to the survey:ForewordParish Survey